Ethan Waddle
Name: Ethan Waddle
Ethan is a 15 year old racer who pushes hard on the West Coast MX Scene. His hard work, dedication and just downright Love for the sport are what make him an upcoming star in the sport. When E is not on his bike, spending time with his friends and family having fun is where its at, building mini dirt bike tracks in the back yard, playing Fortnite/COD with his buddies, having nerf gun wars with his cousins (all after Homework), loves learning/helping mom cook and playing with his little sisters are what make E a great kid off the bike.
Date of Birth: 9/17/2007
Hometown: Bakersfield, CA
// Instagram: Waddle100
// TikTok: Ethanw100
Classes Raced: 250C, 250C Limited, 250C Jr
Years Riding: 8
Years Racing: 6
Sponsors: Unwired Broadband, Pro Circuit, EKS Brand, Fly Racing, Maxima, ETS Race Fuel, Throttle Syndicate, Pirelli Tires, Mika, DT1, POD, Matrix, OZ-CAL Cattle Co, Durden Construction
Best Family memory from Racing?
Love just spending time at every race with family and friends, my grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins all come out and support me and we have a great time together, everything from building toy dirt bike tracks to BBQ’in, spending time by the fire pit roasting marshmallows and camping in the trailer. Motocross is a true family sport and we all love it!
What is it about Dirt Bikes that you love?
Having Fun and working hard! Love jumping and feeling good when I’ve progressed.
What does it mean to not give up?
Trying your best, giving it 100% no matter what position I’m in and finishing the race!
Favorite Track: